Interview with Classless Act
Once in awhile you get to talk to a band right on the brink of blowing up, Empire Extreme got to sit down with Classless Act during their tour with Dorothy and Joyous Wolf, just mere months away from opening up for the Motley Crue Stadium Tour.

EE: You guys brought the beautiful LA weather with you guys, it’s hasn’t been this nice here yet.
CA: I guess. (laughs) we will take it, and we left LA at like 102.
EE: Are you excited about being on this tour with Dorothy and Joyous Wolf?

CA: extremely, everyone has been so amazing. The bands are super talented and Dorothy gets better every night. Dorothy loves to switch it up all the time so there’s different things happening. For us to play and meet different.
EE: I was going to ask, how the fans been so far?
CA: So kind and super amazing. It’s so cool that we can go to places like here in Maryland super far from LA and have fans say they loved our set or our songs and going to look us up more after the show. It’s cool experience.
EE: You guys got to work with Bob Rock how was that?

CA: Oh man it was so cool. He’s an icon and so chill he’s from Hawaii. He’s the kind of guy and he’s like do this and it makes the song. He talks about doing Metallica Black Album and then working with Michael Buble. He’s soo sweet and calls and texts us.
EE: You guys had the single “This is for you” with Justin Hawkins from the Darkness, how was that?
CA: It was so cool. We had a zoom meeting with him and he’s a brilliant artist. There’s a quote online saying he seen the hawk symbol and new he had to come and play with Classless Act. He’s so fun and the nicest guy. He’s super polite.

EE: So the big news that everyone has been talking about it that you guys are going to be opening up for Motley Crue on the stadium tour.
CA: Yeaaaaahhhh. It’s still surreal at this point. We grew up with these bands, and to be at these huge stadiums playing for that many fans. It’s going to be a wild experience.
EE: How did you end up getting the opportunity for that tour?
CA: When we first got it we were like Yay, then it got pushed back and pushed. We got a call. Our management reached out to theirs. Luckily Bob Rock when he was producing our record was like let’s record it at Tommy’s place. We go there and Tommy would watch us record or drum along. He loved it and was open to it. They are giving us just a huge chance.

EE: If you could bring back one dead Musician who would it be?
CA: Griffin: John Lennon
Derek: I almost said Bowie because I want to see him Live. I’m gonna say Jimmy Hendrix.
Classless Act are the real deal. Not only are all the guys super talented musicians but they are so down to earth and truly care about their fans. They hung out at the Merch table and made sure to sign autographs and take photos with anyone who wanted to come over and meet them. I’m looking forward to seeing them again soon on the Motley Crue tour stop in DC.
